I love the diversity of big cities. There is something about being one among many hundreds from all over the world. I love getting out of my own little boxed in world. For when I do I think I get a real perspective on all who God has created and all who I am privledged and called to love. I need to see outside the color of my skin and hear outside the language on my lips.
Yesterday was Freshmen move in day at Harvard University, and what does that have to do with me or my opening statements....
Well, I had the privilege of spending the day exploring Harvard on this particular exciting day. Although the area was beautiful and historic my favorite part of my day at Harvard was just watching and listening to the people. I truly had a smile on my face all day! It may have looked silly but I believe God put it there and I could not remove it!
My senses were on overload in a wonderful way! I could smell the foods from many different countries offered up in outdoor cafes. I could hear many different languages and dialects and my eyes truly marveled and enjoyed the colors of beautiful faces I could see.
It was a day of reminders for me. Reminders that the Lord loves each and every one of us no matter where we are from or what language we speak. It gave me a little glimpse of heaven here on earth of all the people and nations that will be singing praises to our Lord together one day. It also reminded me that the Lord has left me here to be salt and light to all that I come in contact with in preparation for that great day when we join Him!
I do long for the day when I believe I will never be able to take the smile off my face as I and my brothers and sisters praise our wonderful Creator, Savior and Lord!!!